Customer Reviews for Outreach Ministry In Burnside
Kerm Jensen on 8/7/2014 8:31:08 PM
For 18 plus years OMIB served the street people in Old Town, helping stabilize their lives and helping to keep them housed and out of jail. MacDonald Center absorbed Outreach's work and clients. Now, contrary to their promises and mission statement, MacDonald Center is dumping that part of their work this Christmas. Seventy people will lose the support they need to hold things together. The staff will be offered the chance to apply for new jobs with MacDonald (along with the rest of the population.) MacDonald says their action is a safety issue (no injuries or police calls in 18 years). There was one occasion when a client raised his voice. MacDonald Center, beginning with ED Pat Janik, need to be reminded that they are a community non-profit and dependent on the community. This should not be an outfit run for their own pleasure and unspoken reasons.